LANTERN CLOCK WITH STRIKING William Bowyer Londini Fecit Circa 1630 England

Lantern clocks


Signed William Bowyer Londini Fecit
Circa 1630

The weight-driven, 12-hour movement has going, striking and alarm trains. The going train has a vertical verge escapement and balance situated on the top plate. The count-wheel striking indicates the hours on the bell, passing stroke every half hour.

The brass dial has a Roman chapter ring with half-hour and quarter-hour divisions and is engraved with floral and leaf motifs. Behind the steel hour hand is a large Roman alarm disc engraved with a Tudor rose, the alarm time being indicated by the tail of the hour hand. The maker has signed the clock above the dial William Bowyer Fecit.

The brass case has a classical lantern clock shape with a prominent dial, two brass doors to the sides. The whole being surmounted by a bell in a bell strap surrounded by pierced frets, the front fret is engraved. There are four brass pillars on the corners with turned finials at the top and drop finials at the bottom. The bell is surmounted by a similar finial.

Duration: 12 hours
Height 40 cm
Width 15 cm
Depth 18 cm.

– B. Loomes, Watchmakers of the World, p. 36.
– The John Taylor Collection, No.137.
– Georg White, English Lantern Clocks

William Bowyer is considered the most prominent and influential of the lantern clock makers that were working in London. Worked in London from 1626 to 1647, subscribed at incorporation of the Clockmakers Company.
There are clocks by his hand in various museums, including the British Museum London.

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